Rubber and silicone names for about a dozen materials. The variation of mixture of these materials can individually improve the characteristics to fit the purpose.
Properties that are typically of interest are e.g. rebound resilience, tensile elasticity, tear strength, compression set, abrasion resistance, gas tightness, temperature intervals and resistance to chemicals, oil, weather and ozone.
Rubber and silicone can have a hardness between 30 and 90 shore.As a comparison, a skateboard wheel or a golf ball tends to be around 100 shore.
Rubber is usually black because material with carbon black mixured in normally gives the best characteristics. Also gray colour variants is common. Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM) and chloroprene (CR) is available in more colors, and silicone can be obtained in numerous colors with different degrees of transparency.
We manufacture in all types of rubber materials, with a special hall for silicon. One advantage of silicone is a silicone sealant works well in both cold environment aswell as in heated environment. Our technical expertise and experience will help you to choose the right material. The mould shop makes the whole process up to delivery of the finished product controlled under the same roof.

Common materials of rubber or silicone:
NR Natural rubber – Natural rubber is extracted from the sap of the rubber tree
IR Isoprene rubber – Isoprene rubber (IR) is a synthetic natural rubber (Polyisoprene)
SBR Styrene-butadiene rubber – (SBR) – a general-purpose synthetic rubber, produced from a copolymer of styrene and butadiene
EPDM Ethylene-propylene rubber – Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM) are counted as a high volume material
CR Chloroprene rubber – Chloroprene rubber (CR) or polychlorprene is a synthetic rubber which contains of chlorbutadiene
FPM Flourcarbon rubber – Fluorcarbon rubber materials composed of various fluorinated hydrocarbons
FFKM Perflourelastomers – Perflourelastomers (FFKM) is a terpolymer of tetrafloureten (TFE) and perflourmetylvinyleter (PMVE)
NBR Nitrile rubber – Nitrile rubber (NBR) or Buna-N, Perbunan is a copolymer of acrylonitrile (ACN) and butadien….
HNBR Hydrogenated nitrile rubber – Hydrogenated nitrile rubber (HNBR) is made by selective and well controlled hydrogenation af Nitrile rubber (NBR)
Q Silicone rubber – Silicone Rubber (Q) has excellent low temperature properties
Aflas ® – is a new material for us. Aflas a flourelastomer with excellent heat resistance
* Material descriptions are taken from the book “Rubber training material for the rubber industry. Revised edition 1:2 2002.